Marj is another Dreamweaver Stencil teacher and calls the Pacific Northwest area home. Wish I lived close enough to join her classes at the store, Art n' Soul in Lacey Washington. She has many innovative ideas and the cards you see here are samples of a wonderful technique of using micro beads on top of the Dreamweaver Embossing Pastes. Her recommendations for sprinkling on the beads is to leave the stencil in place. The reason for this is that if you take the stencil off after doing the pasting and then try to sprinkle the beads on the wet paste...then those little round devils just slide down into the detail of the design and in this case the creation just becomes a turtle shape rather than a sea turtle (LM179) with a "dude" personality. Next you have to deal with beads stuck all over your pasted stencil when you go to scrub it in your pan of water. So Marj suggests that you go ahead and wash the stencil in a pan of water and then place a strong paper towel into a strainer and pour your dirty paste water through this paper towel to catch all the excess beads. Great idea Marj, I have done this in a couple of classes and people love the idea of being able to capture them and reuse them once they are dried. I also love the free form pasting Marj did on the background piece of the turtle card. And I am also posting a dragon (LL588) done with the same technique. The background is bamboo (LL533) stenciled with a metallic ink.
What size beads do you recommend?
Ok, Barbara, what are you doing up at 1:17 am??? Stenciling I hope, any other explanation is not logical. Well, reading about stenciling is permitted too I guess. I only know of two sizes... and Art institue has a color called Plaid which I have used and is a mix of both sizes. I prefer her beads because they are glass, a bit more expensive but very pretty. If you are doing more wide open designs like the LL471 leaves- large will work, but if you are doing the new LL3004 falling leaves I would stick with the smaller ones. Also pretty to throw in a bit of glitter on some pieces. Have fun!
I have never tried this technique but, since I have all the ingredients necessary, I will give it a try today. Thanks for the idea and the bead saving tip Marj!
Hi Lynell - I'm working night shift and am passing the time by looking at your website and getting some great ideas. Thanks for getting back to me on this. I'm always excited to try something new and will definitely show this to my granddaughter. She'll love the turtle!
Well, Barbara, working the night shift definitely qualifies as logical. Stay safe and enjoy the micro bead tech. Marj does such a great job with teaching that she made presenting this technique very easy for me. In a couple of weeks she is flying to the UK and representing Dreamweaver to retailers there. Wish I could go, but I am grateful that she is there for me. Good night!
Wow and double wow! These cards are amazing. I especially love the sea turtle card. Don't know why it didn't occur to me to use the tiny beads with the paste. I'll be remedying that right away!
These are so beautiful.
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