The card above is designed with two of the stencils that will be given away with our stencil package. All you need to do to win this wonderful blog candy is hop from blog to blog and leave some "love". The comments will be open until Thursday at 6:00 PM. There will be more than 40 designers blogs for you to visit... and to find out the wonderful companies' treasures being offered... Taylor Usry's Blog will be the Virtual place to begin or if you get lost a place to refind your way...just remember the more comments you leave on all of these wonderful blogs the more chance you have to win some blog candy.
We will also be giving away a stencil to three random winners if they sign up to be a follower here on the Dreamweaver Blog...you just need to leave a comment that you have signed up to be a new follower to be eligible.
The stencils in this post are: LOVE (LL481), Rose (LS75) and the Lace Border (LM175). I dry embossed the border stencil first using the Big Shot embossing machine. Then I stenciled the two bordered edges of the card with the Strié technique, by loading a large 3/4" stencil brush with red pigment ink and pulled it across this lacy edged border. The shadow technique is done by stenciling the L, V, and E with a light gray pigment ink first, then slightly shift the stencil and paste-emboss the same three letters with the metallic gold embossing paste (DGP). The rose was stenciled with pigment inks and then paste-embossed with the translucent embossing paste (DEPT).
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