Thursday, May 21, 2015

One Step Cloisonné

This technique is called one step cloisonné and is really quite simple to do. The feather stencil  (LG760) is paste-embossed the regular embossing paste (DEP) onto a decorative paper. Then when it is dry the clean stencil was repostioned onto the feather and it was stenciled with aqua pigment ink. Leaving the feather stencil in position the spiral dots stencil (LX 7029) was positioned on top of the aqua feather and stenciled with varying colors of purple pigment inks. (Remove the stencil at this time.) The advantage of the pigment ink is that is stays wet for awhile so now the Deep Impressions embossing powder was sprinkled on top and heated with a heat gun. Be sure to leave the paper flat and not hold it at an angle because thicker powders like this can slide while you are heating them and slip onto the paper. Repeat the process with the Hello stencil (LS96). The feather and the hello are nice and shiny and thick on this beautiful background can see the shininess, especially on the shaft of the feather and the hello. Fun to do and lots of kudos from friends who receive this beauty in the mail.

All of the linked items are from the site.


ionabunny said...

Very pretty card and technique. Hugz

Katie said...

Great instructions! Love how it looks shiny, I have not done this technique yet...And I love the ombre effect for the hello. Great card. :) Thanks for sharing!

Katie B.

Viki Banaszak said...

I am going to have to give this a try! It looks so cool!

CraftyJo said...

Oooh, this is definitely being pinned! It's fab and the instructions are great, thank you. Now, if I only live long enough to at least *try* the stuff I've pinned..... ;)

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CLADING2222 said...

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CLADING2222 said...

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