Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Zensdays: Labyrinths Challenge Dedicated to Iona

This has been I wild week of Zentangle goodness. So many challenges and I still want to do something for Daniel's pokeroot challenge. He is a teenager who has embraced Zentangle and even has a weekly challenge on his blog. Stop by to support him if you get the chance. A most amazing young man and quite the tangler. Click HERE to visit his site. And here is my answer to the pokeroot challenge...with a few cockles and mussels and a smattering of paradox as well:

Well, I am going to let you read Laura Harms' (the diva) challenge to us this week. It is quite a thought provoking idea for a zentangle challenge, I am still reading and learning more and more about labyrinths. Here is what she has to say: 

I've been taking a year long course on Mandalas with the amazing Scottish beauty Julie Gibbons, this is my third year exploring the Great Round of Mandala with her.  And it just so happens that Stage Three (which corresponds with the month of March) involves labyrinths.  I've been thinking about tangling a labyrinth ever since. 

I had wondered how well a labyrinth would translate into a Zentangle challenge, and then in my online travels i found a website which said:

A labyrinth is not a maze. Mazes are puzzles, designed to vex the mind, but labyrinths are contemplative designs, designed to focus the mind.  (source)

and i thought, that sounds much like tangling to me!  So i gave it a go. 

So take time to go to her site to see her creation, and see what others have been doing as well. You might even be inspired to join the fun.

My labyrinth shape is dedicated to a very dedicated commenter, Iona/Gail. The reason? She is from Norway and so is the labyrinth inspiration I have chosen today. Finnmark Norway. Besides Iona is very lovely about stopping by and cheering on the Dreamweaver Dream it UP team each Thursday. Thanks Iona! Have you been to Finnmark to see the labyrinths, Iona? Makes me want to stop by sometime to see these amazing stone structures. I know that sounds a bit simplistic, but who knows, I may travel to Norway yet. I've wanted to see Norway ever since I saw the "Song of Norway" when I was in high school. A  biographical movie about Edvard Grieg. And Wow! what fabulous scenery! 

I actually did two labyrinth creations...the second one that I worked on I am actually showing first as that is the one I like the most. The first one I worked on was a lot of practice at shading and trying to make the path clear. And I have never done N'Zeppel (the background tangle on each one) and I clearly need to work on that some more. "Practice makes progress" is my motto. So I am planning on using this tangle more often because I really did enjoy the results. Also if you want to see a most amazing labyrinth created by the Wayne-meister go to his Flickr site to see his take on this challenge. He never ceases to amaze me...

The tangles used for this Finnmark Norway labyrinth are:




My first try at the labyrinth string.

Tangles used:




I also joined Diane Clancy and Carolien's challenge for their next in the alphabet series..."G  H I": The tangles I used are Grass Border, Hibred and Ixorus. Black card stock with a white gel pen and Ixorus was shaded with a white Prisma Color pencil.

One more tangle creation...in honor of my design team! This is the last month I will be officially posting with the Dream it UP team. I have been invited to post if I want but Stampendous will be taking a much bigger administrative role in organizing the team and putting it all together for a cohesive mix of their team and the Dream it Up designers. Thanks ladies for all you have done. This next tangle post was done by Louise Healy, a designer from the Chicago area who has been dedicated to stenciling and teaching everything and anything that you can do with Dreamweaver Stencils, including tangling. And she has been on the team from it's inception. This card front is one she tangled a couple years ago and it is so wonderful...thanks Louise for all your  support for our team over the years. Pam and I have appreciated your consistent work and dedication to the team. Thanks again for all the wonderful Zentangle ZIA pieces you've contributed.

The beauty of this is hard to see ...because it is done in 3-D. Louise tangled the rolling hills stencil (LJ910)  and then photo copied it, colored it with inks, pens etc. and then cut the pieces out and popped them up with foam tape. It really reminds me of the heartland of our country ...maybe even Illinois, where Louise is from or South Dakota (my old stomping grounds).

I hope you'll continue to pop by and see what is done with stencils and connect to see where the Stampendous team  is headed as well. Come by tomorrow for the Showers of Showers challenge...you could win a stencil of your own choosing.


Anne's tangle blog said...

Wow, so much beauty, Lynell. I like your first labyrinth best and the ING piece is also beautiful.

Precious Worker said...

I like your first labyrinth, so tidy yet creative.

Unknown said...

Although the first one you show is easier to follow, I really like the depth and color of the other one. Nice job on both!

jeanchaneyaz said...

Such inspirational pieces! And, your 'NZepple is done very well. No work needed on that tangle! I like the first one best because I like to actually follow around and see that I can go in and out and see that it truly is a labyrinth, not a maze. You got it!

Dragonfly-Artz said...

Wow was my first response also. All your tiles are quite lovely (and Wayne's is quite nice also). Your 'NZeppel is beautiful!

ionabunny said...

Oh, how sweet of you. I feel blessed. Thanks you. Love your labyrinths. I haven't been. You definitely should visit Norway. It is very beautiful. Love Louise's rolling hill tangled scene. So beautiful. Hugz

dani song said...

I'm going to have to join in the "Wow" club here ^_^ Both of your labyrinths are stunning, although I'm leaning towards the second one (er, that you showed. The first one that you made. The Flux one. >.<) since more organic tangles seem to appeal to me more. The black tile is beautiful too - I've tried a couple and my ink always dries really faded, not a nice crisp white...ah well. The tangled card is wonderful too! And thanks so much for mentioning my challenge, the more the merrier ^_^

ArtyZen said...

Some more wow from me too! Like Daniel above, I am drawn most to your Flux Labyrinth... it's like looking down one a labyrinth made of hedges. And some fantastic use of colour - a joy to pop by and take it all in.

Ilse said...

Your work is beautiful! I love both labyrinths, but the first one is definately my favorit one because of the patterns and colors you use. Great!

HeidiSue said...

Okay all of these pieces are just beautiful. That last one! so much like stained glass...very pretty. The labyrinths are lovely, and I choose your "first try" as my favorite. The colors are so nice together, and with tipple all along the inside, it is very much like a pathway, surrounded by green plants or...did someone say hedges? Nice work!

Antonine said...

Lynell, I love both your labyrinths! The second one (with the green) is so beautifully nature inspired. It is all seeds and pebbles and makes me think there might be a little stream flowing through it. The top one, though, is austere and meditative. The beads would signify prayers offered along the way. So beautiful!

Gloria j Zucaro said...

Wow! Really beautiful work. I love both labyrinth and the design team effort, too!

Carmela said...

Beautiful work all of them. Also Lovely labyrints. you can see clearly the lines of the labyrint. On mine they gone lost in the fluxpattern.

Becky said...

Your labyrinths are wonderful, so full of detail! I love the beads on the first one, they pop right off the page!

hungrycorgistudio said...

So much beautiful work! I loved your labyrinths. The first one had some tangles that were perfect for the shape. Very nice! Sarah.

LezliB said...

Lovely work, all of them. The labyrinths are both so well done and so entirely different from each other. I love the beaded one because I can follow that the easiest, but I love the color of the other labyrinth too. Nice work!

dianeclancy said...

Your HGI is lovely - it pops on the black!! Thank you for joining in!! Your 3D is wonderful!! Your Diva's are so pretty!! Your Daniel's is nice :) :)

~ Diane Clancy

Gary sobers said...

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Gary sobers said...

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